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Patented. Researched. Trusted.


Published Human Clinical Studies


Owned and Licensed Patents


Preclinical Studies


Research Collaborations

Benefits of Daily Use

Cellular NAD+
Increase cellular NAD+ levels to maintain DNA health and energy levels.
Health & Wellbeing
As you age, you face a natural decline in NAD+ levels. Tru Niagen® supports cellular function, DNA repair and metabolism to maintain overall health and well-being.
Cellular Energy
Everyday stressors can deplete your NAD+ levels. Replenish your NAD+ supply so you can maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
Cellular Repair
Tru Niagen® supports cellular repair, counteracting the effects of stress and aging on your body.

The Stressors That Affect Cellular Health

Alcohol consumption
Immune Stress
Unbalanced Diet

NAD+ Depletion =
Diminished Cellular Health

NAD+ is a vital coenzyme, naturally produced in the body that is involved in more than 400 cellular processes including; energy production, tissue regeneration and DNA repair. As you age, NAD+ declines. In addition, stressors such as excessive exercise/physical work, immune & metabolic stress and sleep disruption can also contribute to further NAD+ depletion.

Tru Niagen® Is Supported by Peer-Reviewed Clinical Research

Our patented cellular nutrient increases NAD+ by 40-50% after two weeks. 15 published human trials support Niagen®.