Nicotinamide riboside is a groundbreaking ingredient that fuels your body from within.
Your health starts with your cells. Everything you do in life depends on the constant cycle of using and regenerating energy throughout your cells. Scientists have known for decades the importance of a coenzyme (a molecule that binds with proteins) called NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) which plays a vital role in the processes of your body. NAD+ helps maintain cellular energy and support DNA repair in the trillions of cells—and organs—throughout your body.
Your NAD+ supply declines with age as well as in response to stressors on your body, including; alcohol consumption and overeating. However, in 2004, Dr. Charles Brenner discovered a naturally-occurring vitamin in milk called nicotinamide riboside.
While nicotinamide riboside can be found naturally in certain foods, you cannot get anywhere near the amount you need through a normal diet to effectively increase NAD+. That is why we created Tru Niagen®, the only patented, broadly studied nicotinamide riboside in the world.
The objective science behind Niagen® in 30+ published human clinical studies.
Our human clinical studies provide our foundation of scientific evidence. Researchers use Niagen® (patented nicotinamide riboside) as the preferred cellular nutrient for elevating NAD+ levels.
Patented. Researched. Trusted.
Published Human Clinical Studies
Owned and Licensed Patents
Preclinical Studies
Research Collaborations
“The power of this form of vitamin B3 to raise NAD+ impressed me back in 2004 when I discovered it. Now, 14 years and 42 publications on NAD+ later, its unique ability to restore balance in the face of metabolic stress continues to amaze me.”
A new clinical study shows that Niagen® effectively elevates NAD+ levels.
34 healthy and overweight adults were chosen at random to take NIAGEN® or a placebo for eight weeks. The study shows Niagen® (300mg daily) increases NAD⁺ levels by 40-50%.