Our tireless commitment to maintaining the highest standards.
Quality & safety is in our DNA
From the day ChromaDex was formed in 1999, our relationships with leading universities and scientific institutions have informed our work and helped us build the company brick by brick. The brightest minds in scientific innovation have led us in an undying pursuit of quality and high standards in all that we do.
With our growth and the commercialization of nicotinamide riboside (NR) as Niagen® (nicotinamide riboside chloride, or NRCl), we’ve maintained scientific rigor and cutting-edge manufacturing practices.
Our state-of-the-art research and development facility in Longmont, CO, serves as the hub for for all things quality at ChromaDex as we continue to share our revolutionary science with the world and provide customers with the highest-quality products.
Niagen® vs the rest
Niagen® is the sole active ingredient in Tru Niagen and the only patented form of nicotinamide riboside (“NR”).
Niagen® has been the subject of over 30 human clinical studies and is manufactured in the USA under cGMP regulations, with each batch undergoing purity testing.
Importantly, testing conducted on other supplements claiming to contain NR (without the Niagen® mark), have revealed that the majority contain impurities, are not temperature stable or do not contain any NR at all. The ingredients in these supplements are often produced in China without stringent testing or regulatory oversight.
The only trusted form of NR available in the world is Niagen®.
Cellular stressors deplete NAD+
All of these stressors can damage your cells over time, which can create a cycle of depleted NAD+, leading to more cellular dysfunction, leading to less NAD+, and on and on. The loop of cellular stress and NAD+ depletion accelerates the signs of aging over time, and is implicated in the development of a wide range of health conditions.
Backed by 25 years of research & innovation
Human Clinical Studies
Backed by peer-reviewed published studies.
Nobel Prize Winners
Endorsed by a Scientific Advisory Board of world-leading researchers.
Backed by innovation gold standards in the supplement space.
Published Scientific Studies
NR is well-researched in published preclinical and clinical studies.