A Beginner's Guide to NAD+
NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It’s a naturally produced molecule essential for the function of all 37.2 trillion cells in your body.
But what is NAD+, and why is it important?
NAD+ is a coenzyme.
If you’re not a biologist and don’t know what a coenzyme is, that’s okay. We’ll explain it to you.
You might recognize a part of the word—enzyme. Are they related? You bet.
Enzymes are proteins that are typically known to help build or break down molecules.
For example, saliva helps break down food in your mouth. It can do this because it contains enzymes.
But some enzymes need coenzymes to function. Without coenzymes, some enzymes can’t get their “engines” started.
NAD+ is a coenzyme that helps build energy.
Not all enzymes break down molecules. Some build them up.
For example, some enzymes help build energy in your mitochondria, also known as “the powerhouse of the cell.”
NAD+ activates these enzymes and helps generate over 90% of your body’s energy!
How does NAD+ work?
Imagine a car engine.
Gasoline ignites and combusts to move the pistons, which, in turn, propels the vehicle forward. But in order for everything to move smoothly and efficiently in the engine, you need engine oil.
NAD+ is like engine oil, making sure the mitochondria, the engines of your cells, produce energy smoothly and efficiently.
Why is it important to maintain your NAD+ levels?
A study published in the science journal, PLOS One, reports NAD+ levels decline by 50% between ages 40 and 60.
Maintaining your NAD+ is like maintaining your car’s engine oil.
Engine oil needs to be changed every 5,000 to 7,500 miles. If you don’t, it’ll gunk up your engine.
Your oil becomes a dirty sludge and your engine has to fight through the muck, forcing it to work harder. This will make your car have less punch every time you hit the gas pedal and cost you more money at the pump as it burns more fuel.
Letting NAD+ levels dip is like forgoing an oil change. Your engines have to work harder to get you through the everyday.
Bad lifestyle habits are like adding mileage to your engine.
Certain lifestyle choices can deplete your NAD+ levels faster than normal. The following habits are especially consequential for your NAD+ reserves:
- Poor Diet
- Drinking
- Sleep Disruption
- Over-Training
- Excess Sun Exposure
- Lack of Exercise
These habits are like driving in poor road conditions or adding miles to your car after a long road trip. You’ll need an oil change sooner than anticipated.
Choose premium quality.
Racecar drivers always use premium engine oil because they need quality ingredients. They choose products that took the time in research and development for safety and performance testing. Lower quality engine oil can cost them a race or worse, like complete engine failure in the middle of a dangerous raceway.
Racecar drivers choose their products carefully and you should too. Your “engines” deserve the best quality ingredients.
For example, the supernutrient behind Tru Niagen® has 30 peer-reviewed, human clinical studies supporting its efficacy.
Tru Niagen® boosts NAD+.
Tru Niagen® increases NAD+ up to 50% in as little as two weeks. It’s patented, proven and trusted
Backed by Extraordinary Science:
- 50+ Patents
- 400+ Research Studies
- 7000+ Global 5-star reviews
- Two Nobel Prize Winners